Questions & Answers

  • Naturally, the cost varies significantly based on the kind of furniture you're looking for, the choice of wood, and various other factors that come into play.

    I can certainly share that opting for a custom-made piece will be more expensive compared to purchasing a similar item from Ikea or Pottery Barn*.

    However, what I craft is exclusively for you – it's meticulously constructed and built to withstand the test of time.

    My ultimate aim is to create cherished family heirlooms, pieces that bring joy and hold meaning each time you use them.

    You will also be supporting a local small business, and that karma will stick.

    *And, you don’t have to put it together.

  • To get things started, we'll have a conversation. I'll get a preliminary understanding of your requirements, including approximate dimensions, preferred wood type, and any visual inspirations you might have.

    After our chat, I'll give you a rough estimate to make sure we're on the same page.

    If the initial cost aligns with your budget, I'll proceed to create a more detailed 3D design along with a comprehensive budget breakdown.

    Once you're excited about the design and the budget, we hit the ground running.

  • I will charge you material cost +10% upfront and the remaining balance once the build is complete.

    Any delivery costs will be handled separately .

  • I do, and for your convenience I’ll eat the service charge of 3.5%.

  • The timeline for most projects typically falls within the range of 2 to 5 weeks, depending on my current workload.

  • In a lot of situations, yes. If you happen to reside within a 50-mile radius of 90603 and your project's dimensions are under 6 feet in length or height, I can manage the delivery myself. However, if your project falls outside these parameters, I have a trusted moving company I can recommend.

  • 100% yes!

  • I can build you solid wood bookshelves, bookcases, shelving, and cabinets according to your specific dimensions. These pieces can be designed to attach to the wall or floor. However, I do not provide on-site measurements or installation services.

  • Yes. If it’s made of wood I can make it for you.

I’ve tried to cover the most frequently asked questions, but if you find yourself with one that I haven’t hit please reach out: